To access the system and process your complaints, please visit the following websites: www.policiadecatalunya.net/denuncies Please read the instructions carefully to fill in your crime report form. Once you have finished entering your data, your report will be available for signing at the prefecture of the local police in Blanes or Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalonia police force) station. For the report to have legal validity, you must sign a copy within 72 hours following submission at the prefecture of the local police in Blanes or Mossos d’Esquadra station. Any enquiries should be addressed to: -Local Police in Blanes: 120, Av. Joan Carles I. Phone number: 092 - 972.35.86.66 -Mossos d’Esquadra in Blanes: 49, C. Ter. Phone number: 088 - 972.18.14.10 |
Data de realització: 07/18/2007 | Data de la darrera actualització: 07/18/2007
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Passeig Dintre 29 | 17300 | Blanes Telèfon: 972 379 300 | Informació© Ajuntament de Blanes | Passeig Dintre 29 | 17300 | Blanes | Telèfon: 972 379 300